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Strawberry and Date Smoothie

Strawberries add delicious flavour and vibrant colour to your dishes. They are also very healthy being low in sugar and containing loads of vitamins, fibres, antioxidants and potassium.

Strawberry and Date Smoothie Recipe

1 cup of coconut milk (250 ml)
12 strawberries
2 dates (with their seeds removed)
1 banana
A handful of almonds for protein

How to prepare
Blend the coconut milk and the dates in a blender until dates are dissolved.
Add banana, strawberries and almonds. (Freeze banana and strawberries overnight for a thicker, creamier smoothie)
Blend all ingredients really well.

Servings: 2

Dates are natural sweeteners so no sugar is need for this healthy smoothie. Alternatively, you can use almond milk instead of coconut milk.
